
Pro Prietenia Arad Foundation - the workshop to reconfigure our characters.
We believe in change. Change leads to progress, and progress brings energy, development and evolution.

Our guide to a better life

Our vision concerns the issue of the honest development of social services offered by the PRO PRIETENIA ARAD Foundation, by promoting projects to prevent human trafficking, victimization, drug use and crime, development projects for youth, social justice, as well as support for the target groups, which will lead to the development and consolidation of Romanian civil society, democracy and progress, by capitalizing on the human, natural and material potential at our disposal, centered on the values of Romanian and universal spirituality and culture.

Action week on human trafficking

Ținând cont că România este principala țară sursă a victimelor traficului de persoane, o echipă multidisciplinară de specialiști a fost invitată de către organizatori pentru a facilita schimbul de bune practici și a dezvolta activități comune de prevenire și ...

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The project aims to exchange strategies, techniques and instrument between Italy, Portugal, and Romania and enhance their cooperation against human trafficking. General purpose of the proposed action is contributing to fight against and prevent trafficking in human beings in Europe.

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Pentru a observa îndeaproape activitatea noastră, vă rugăm să ne urmăriți pe conturile ce le avem pe cele mai populare rețele de socializare și canale de comunicare:


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