Combat Organized crime's Networks aNd Expand Countries' Ties Enhancing horizontal cooperation among Italy, Portugal and Romania in human trafficking
Programme ISEC 2012
Summary of the project
"CONNECT" project's main goal is to combat human trafficking, gathering origin, transit and destination countries, and sharing their best practices, profiting from their experience in different areas. The project aims to exchange strategies, techniques and instrument between Italy, Portugal, and Romania and enhance their cooperation against human trafficking. General purpose of the proposed action is contributing to fight against and prevent trafficking in human beings in Europe.
The phenomenon of trafficking in women has a significant dimension in the selected countries. The interconnections among the target countries are consistent. Thanks to the exchange of good practices the project will contribute to address several gaps identified in the national referral systems. The project will establish a networking mechanism to facilitate the exchange of procedures and methodologies in these fields.
The project will be addressed to national /territorial networks composed by civil society actors and public institutions, actively committed to contrast the human trafficking phenomena, with a special attention to sexual exploitation.
The project will be implemented in two phases.
A cycle of transnational – itinerant workshops are proposed to allow each country-stakeholder with the final aim to account good practices so far developed and filling the existent gaps.
A first workshop will be held in Lisbon (Portugal), during 23/25 July 2014. It will enable the participants to focus the attention on the identification and monitoring system in trafficking in human beings field, thanks to the best practices developed in Portugal. With the support of the Portuguese Observatory against human trafficking, the participants will address the Portuguese National Referral Mechanism, with specific attention on the monitoring system on trafficking of Human Beings the collection, treatment, analysis and sharing of information.
A second workshop will be organized in Arad (Romania), during September 2014. In this workshop CISS and it’s partner Pro Prietenia intend to exchange best practices of the Romanian institutions, in order to provide the participants prosecution instruments.
According to Trafficking in persons 2013 there has been an a high proportion of convicted offenders in Romania, especially with the empowerment of collaboration with other European countries. In 2012 from the 867 investigated cases the government was able to prosecute 667 traffickers and convict 427. Approximately three quarters of the convicted traffickers offenders were sentence between 1 to 15 years in prison. The government also collaborates with Interpol and other European countries in order to train their authorities. Furthermore, the police also works closely with NGOs in order to support the victims psychologically, in terms of la and healthcare and social integration. This support can go up to 2 years.
A third workshop will contribute to prevent human trafficking, prosecute the traffickers and assist the victims, by using the confiscated goods for social purposes. This workshop will be organized in Palermo (Italy) during March 2015. The participants will learn about the experiences developed in Italy in the field of confiscation of goods to criminal groups and on the opportunity and constraints to apply the measures foreseen by Art. 7 (seizures and confiscations) and Art. 17 (compensation to victims) of DIRECTIVE 2011/36/EU.
During the second phase the activities will focus on the exchange of best practices in prevention measures. The creation of an online platformand the organization of web-seminars will be directed to a group of educators and communicators to allow them in exchanging their experiences and tools (educational kit, audiovisual spots, posters, flyers, information brochures, etc). The platform will be following used to launch a common awareness campaign prepared with the support of the scientific panel of experts on organized crime and human trafficking as well as to support training activities.
The campaign will target the general public as well as the competent national and local authorities in the selected countries. The campaign will support the confiscation of proceeds from organized crime. The campaign is directed to raise the awareness on the existence of large illicit financial and tangible properties produced by transnational organized crime as result of exploiting THB victims.
Partners of the project
CISS – Cooperazione Internazionale Sud Sud (Project coordinator):
CISS is an Italian non-profit association founded in 1985 active in the field of solidarity and development of international co-operation; recognised NGO from 1989 by the Italian Ministry for Foreign Affairs and in contact with the EU since 1988. In consideration of his presence in a territorial area characterised by strong and specific development problems - CISS develops also local activities/projects, particularly in Southern Italy. The main intervention areas are: projects of solidarity, development and international co-operation in developing countries; projects and activities of intercultural education and development education; development projects in Italy; cooperation and networking in Europe. Currently CISS is implementing transnational projects on migration and the protection of minors. CISS concluded a transnational project dedicated to prevent Trafficking in Human Beings in Western Balkan in 2011. CISS works and has worked with projects aimed at fighting violence against women in Brazil, El Salvador, Guatemala and Albania.
UMAR - União de Mulheres Alternativa e Resposta (Partner):
The association UMAR- União de Mulheres Alternativa e Resposta- is a women’s association founded in 12 September 1976. As a NGO it is represented in the Advisory Council of the CIDM( Commission for the equality and women’s rights) since 1977.
Nowadays, UMAR is an association that claims for a feminism socially compromised. During 30 years UMAR has managed to put together a group from all generations to fight for all causes, as the right to contraception and abortion, fight against domestic violence, migrant women, genital mutilation and women’s political activity.
During these years UMAR has worked also in human trafficking.
The Pro Friendship Foundation Arad came to life in 2001, as an answer to the needs founded in the Romanian society after 1985. In 1996 the Foundation started their job without proper knowledge or special training, however until today there was a significant impact on the social life in Arad.
Their mission is carried out especially in the prevention of human trafficking, helping victims of drug use and crime. They also support youth development projects, especially on the consolidation of democracy.